Wednesday, March 20, 2013

black is for mourning (the fact that Spring is fashionably late)

Punctuality is beyond important. One of my favorite and most influential professors, who is also a master of both international commercial arbitration law ("master," figuratively, Doctor, literally) and wearing cowboy boots with suits, would say to those who were late, "surely you don't believe your time is more valuable than mine." Harsh, but true; We all have better things to do than wait for others. And honestly, if you're going to be late, you better look fierce, as opposed to showing up late with wet hair and no mascara.

Spring has not sprung. I suppose in New York, we get used to snow on Easter. Thankfully, this weather has allowed me to dress in head-to-ankle black. Now, hear this: black is always in. Black is not seasonal per se, but normally, I would have celebrated the first day of Spring with some apropos pastel garb. Instead, this morning I was pleased to pair my natural-waist above-the-ankle pants with a structured, ribbed, black, zippered-back shell. Wow, that was a lot of adjectives. I purchased this top in Europe, and it has graced its hanger in my closet for almost two years, mostly because it's not the right shape for under a suit. Again, fabulous to have some "leeway" (the word severely makes me miss sailing) in wardrobe rules, as my days in the courtroom are on a long-term hiatus.

My recommendation, when wearing all black, is to keep hair and makeup simple, and accessorize with anything-but-boring jewelry and shoes. This morning, while opening the shoe closet in my pre-caffeine coma, I almost made the mistake of reaching for black quilted flats. I suppose worse things have happened (like wearing two different shoes to work). Instead, my better judgment kicked in and my hand led me to reach for my leopard loafers. Rawr. See exhibit 1, in which I am clearly and realistically busy reading some super old book in the hallway near my office.

This necklace was a to-die-for vintage find for a buck --yes, a buck-- at a great antique store near Verona, New York. Here's a closer look at "one (wo)man's trash," and the fabulous ribbed detail in my top. Apologies for the glare in this image. I didn't do as good of a job with my front-facing iPhone camera as my fabulous co-worker, Sarah did in the other. You can check out her amazing work at Anyone else match their shoes to their encyclopedia today? Just wondering..