As many of you know, I'm a lover of all things mac. My MacBook, my old iMac G5, my collection of iPods.. the list goes on. (Well, once you go Mac, you never go back). After years of waiting patiently for Verizon to get the iPhone, I finally caved and switched to AT&T. I'll pardon you the story of the fiasco that was my day at pick-up and the obscene amount of time I had to wait to even place an order. And let's not even mention the percentage of calls that drop.. The phone is basically an iPod touch, with unlimited wifi and a serious camera (annnnnd a monthly bill that is so not pretty). Regardless, I'm in love, and I wouldn't trade it for anything. See the funniest video my man posted on my facebook wall that is a perfect depiction of my attitude towards the iPhone:

Obviously, though, it's super important to carry the phone in style. This is not only to protect it like the expensive piece of garbage that it is, and to make the antennae work, since you can't place your human finger directly on the bottom left corner (not that any case really makes a difference at all), but for pure chicness. At the time of purchasing my iPhone, the Apple store was completely out of cases, screen protectors, etc., and the AT&T store had three in stock. It must've been fate, because I found a case that was both functional and fierce. Enter, the Belkin soft touch leather case. It's really hardly leather.. it's some form of plactic-ish/rubber-ish stuff with a nice leather piece on the back. Mainly black, it matches the body of the phone, yet features brown threads, so you don't look totally terrible if you have no black on that day (but why anyone would go a day without any black on is beyond me..). Since I was literally unable to find a stock photo of the case, I had to remove it (eek!) and take a photo of it myself.
Aside from that, you must must must download my fave apps: IncrediBooth, which simulates those fabulous photo booths I can't walk by without going in, and comes with three different exposures for the photos; Hipstamatic, which turns your phone camera into a terribly groovy retro camera with various different films and effects.. it automatically makes whatever you're doing that day look that much cooler; and finally, foursquare (even better because it's free!) which allows you to "check in" to restaurants, shops, etc., which does make it much easier for people to stalk you like a crazy GPS, but also earns you free chips and salsa when you check in at Chili's and show your server that you did.