Ladies.. I have been seeing way too much of this. When you buy a women's suit, most will come with a simple "X"-shaped stitch across the bank slit of the jacket and skirt. There is only one purpose this serves: to keep it looking nice on the hanger. Please, please, when you get home, or sooner.. cut that stitch and remove the thread (see photo if you don't get it). Few things are more annoying than walking behind someone, looking at the thread dangling from their skirt slit, which was not cut, but broke inadvertently from walking, sitting, etc. And this technically doesn't go only for women. Most suits come with sewn-shut pockets on the jacket and pants.. again, just to keep them looking nice in the store.. rip those bad boys open. While these aren't visually annoying, where else would you put your iPhone and lip balm?