matchy matchy..
My week started out with a Monday where I turned green with envy over our new intern's fabulous black and white houndstooth dress (and sorry, spellcheck.. but houndstooth is one word. And so is spellcheck, as far as I'm concerned).
I asked her where she got it, only to hear the dreadful response that almost always seems to be the case: "Macy's." (That answer is fine. Lovely, actually). Then I asked, "when?" and held my breath. "Forever ago." Such a sad, sad thing to hear. Worse than a breakup really. The number of outfits missed out on so vastly outweighs the number of ex-men worth being sad over (we're talking goose eggs here people).
So last night I optimistically headed for the mall. I've been quite the "glass-half-full" gal these days.. unless we're talking about wine. I headed for the Calvin Klein section, hoping to find the dress, as our fabulous intern assured me she saw the dress there in other prints and colors. Maybe, just maybe I could find something I liked more. Maybe.
Well, no luck there, but my bloodhound (compound words are so in today) schnoz was able to unearth a fabulous little Anne Klein number in.. wait for it.. houndstooth. In all its navy and white gloriousness and thin little patent belt, this dress and its inappropriately low clearance tag had my name written all over it. I pulled it on over my clothes right by the register (we will save the Pavlov's Dog-related conditioned response to hating dressing rooms discussion for another post) and rung that ish up. With a coupon. Bam.
So I'm topping my morning off with a speedy little trip to the Thomson Reuters cafeteria, and, lo and behold! My fleeting desire for healthy food resulted in a breakfast that so flawlessly coordinates with my new frock. And yes, I see that I need a hairbrush so very badly in this photo. But I dropped it on the floor of the bus this morning, and Lord knows I wasn't picking that up.. Don't judge me.
When was the last time you matched your food to your clothes?