Spring has not sprung. I suppose in New York, we get used to snow on Easter. Thankfully, this weather has allowed me to dress in head-to-ankle black. Now, hear this: black is always in. Black is not seasonal per se, but normally, I would have celebrated the first day of Spring with some apropos pastel garb. Instead, this morning I was pleased to pair my natural-waist above-the-ankle pants with a structured, ribbed, black, zippered-back shell. Wow, that was a lot of adjectives. I purchased this top in Europe, and it has graced its hanger in my closet for almost two years, mostly because it's not the right shape for under a suit. Again, fabulous to have some "leeway" (the word severely makes me miss sailing) in wardrobe rules, as my days in the courtroom are on a long-term hiatus.
This necklace was a to-die-for vintage find for a buck --yes, a buck-- at a great antique store near Verona, New York. Here's a closer look at "one (wo)man's trash," and the fabulous ribbed detail in my top. Apologies for the glare in this image. I didn't do as good of a job with my front-facing iPhone camera as my fabulous co-worker, Sarah did in the other. You can check out her amazing work at https://www.facebook.com/SarahndipityImaging. Anyone else match their shoes to their encyclopedia today? Just wondering..