temptation: spring into Spring in flats
Most of my friends and family know I gave up shopping for lent. It has been a surprisingly rewarding experience, and in addition to saving some serious dough, I've learned to live a bit leaner, and think twice about the things I spend my moolah on.

However, we all know that in times of fasting, temptation happens. Oh, does it. Even Jesus was tempted after being in the wilderness for forty days (see?). Well this morning, I was perusing an innocuous little blog (Daily Candy to be exact.. and I was kidding about the "little" part) and a crazy ad, surely sent by satan himself was right at the top of the page, shouting at me and beckoning with its evil little finger.

My latest weakness slash obsession is loafers. They go with jeans, they go with skirts, they go with dress pants. They are the perfect shoe.. just the right amount of meanswear. Coach, which is a brand I've been over for a while (I just don't get why they charge so much.. you may as well buy a louis) rolled out an amazing spring line. I was captivated by the devil ad, and when I saw the price I may or may not have whispered the Lord's name in vain. But oh, the beautiful woven texture.. it reminds me of the outdoor cafe chairs in Paris. Be still, my heart. I just had an out-of-body experience while searching google images for "Paris cafe chairs." Try it.
Meanwhile, I'm saying prayers of thanks to the good Lord because there is no way, even if it wasn't lent.. even if I was willing to spend a month's grocery budget on one pair of shoes.. that I would ever be able to choose between the three versions of the lovely and talented and Paris-inspired "Catrin" Woven Slipper, (pictured way above). Though, I'm leaning toward the navy, red and beige. Oh, how lovely I would be on the fourth of July.. You know I traded another day in Paris on the way home from Israel because I insisted on being on American soil on Independence Day.

And of course, everyone knows I have an obsession with penny loafers (do you see the coin in those?.. it's Coach), and tassel loafers, and mint, and navy. Technically, the hue is called "ink." Amazing. And her name is "Nicola." So lovely, I just might name my first child after her, if I ever have one. For now I'll just keep dreaming (of shoes. Well, both I guess. And Paris. Ohh, Paris.). I just had to be there on the one day the Louvre was free admission for the public. Meaning I arrived an hour before opening to a four-hour long line. Mona will have to wait until next time. And if I make it back there, you better believe my shoes will match my outdoor cafe chair.
Au revoir for now dears.