A cursory attempt at discovering my "blogging roots" unearthed a pretty little gem of a post that literally started it all. Tucked away in the earliest of the
journeytoattorney.blogspot.com entries, this post is the crystal-ball "foreword" to the shoesiweartocourt story. From the Legally Blonde inspiration to the frustrations that come from attempting to blend a normal life with law school, and the search for anything-but-mundane moments in a typically disastrous and mundane coupledom, this June 4, 2009 post is a perfect mix of realistic nostalgia and humor. This was well before even a single day of law school. Thankfully, my budding obsession with fashion plus law didn't die along with that relationship. Although, I must say, he was the first and only man I've known that can mix suit, shirt, and tie patterns and colors flawlessly. That's the only compliment I'll ever extend. No hard feelings. Just good reading.
So last night, I was volunteering at VIBS, the Victim's Information Bureau of Suffolk, providing childcare while victims accessed their weekly counseling sessions. When I got home, Jimmy was (still) working, so I turned on the tube and was excited to find the last half of Legally Blonde. Fabulous. And so apropos.

When Jimmy got home, all he was interested in was freaking ESPN, so he went in the bedroom to watch it. For whatever reason, I was soooo mad about this, like it would have been really all that torturous for him to sit through the end of the movie with me. Ugh.
Anyways, as dubbed by my blog title (then, "Diary of a Real Life [Brunette] Elle Woods), you can tell I'm relating a bit. I'm sure my pageant life, and love of all things pink will seem a bit/lot out of place in Law School. I'm totally nervous about not being taken seriously, but still being true to my(stylish)self.
I've decided to leave my mac laptop white, and refrain from any pink business suits. Hopefully, that will do the trick.
Thus is my journey to (becoming an) attorney.